It’s Getting Serious Now…
Have you ever been on the receiving end of an engagement ring? This post will explain what your sweetheart went through in buying your ring. And if you were the one proposing, let me know if this sounds familiar.
Right around now, a few days before Valentine’s Day, expectant future grooms are just that, expecting. It’s a nervous affair, no matter which way you slice it. Picking out the ring brings out a chatty bunch. Sometimes I hear all about the lead-up to the engagement, what’s been planned, who knows – and who doesn’t, how many years it’s been in the works, and then, the all important – “I wonder if she’s expecting it” or “She’s been expecting it forever.”
Expectant grooms often arrive in the shop totally put together, very confident, so on a mission. It’s fun to watch them approaching the counter, it’s almost like they’re on a runway, except there aren’t any cameras pointing at them. It’s a solitary mission that they’re on and I’m so glad to be there to settle the nerves.
While we craft the ring and make the diamond choices and start to put it all together, I start to see the nerves begin to fade. All of a sudden, the realization hits – it’s getting serious now. A calm comes over them and it’s all very business like.
I wish them well and look forward to the pickup day. When the day comes, the expectant grooms arrive all smiles and ready to open the box for the first time. They can picture the moment they open it facing forward. It’s a magical moment. We say our Goodbye’s and off they go.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!
~ Gary